Services & Pricing

Chiropractic Care

Initial Chiropractic Assessment with Treatment: $90.00
Initial Chiropractic Assessment with Treatment-Senior 65+: $80.00
Subsequent Chiropractic Treatment: $45.00
Subsequent Chiropractic Treatment-Senior 65+: $35.00
Extended Chiropractic Treatment: $70.00
Extended Chiropractic Treatment-Senior 65+: $60.00


Initial Acupuncture Assessment with Treatment: $75.00
Acupuncture Treatment: $55.00


Custom Made Foot Orthotics: $500.00
Any product available on

Please be advised that a medical doctor’s prescription is not required to initiate care with a chiropractor as we are a primary contact health care provider. However, insurance providers require a medical doctor’s prescription for custom made foot orthotics if you are seeking to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. A chiropractor may make and dispense orthotics, however, does not have the ability to prescribe them.

If you have extended healthcare benefits, it is important to clarify the details and requirements of your individual plan with your insurance carrier.